April is already here! The first quarter of 2022 flew past us very quickly. However, it was enough time to release our flagship product and significantly rebrand Bitlocus, making investing even easier! This has been a phenomenal quarter for Bitlocus and we want to share some of highlights.
Let’s recap everything that we’ve done during the months of January-March, 2022.
The crucial event of the past quarter — the launch of our flagship product. At the end of February, we have launched the Bitlocus DeFi marketplace — opening the gateway to easier and safer investing for all of our users.
1. Bitlocus DeFi Marketplace Launch
We’ve developed custom automation tools to automatically convert FIAT deposits to cryptocurrency and connected Bitlocus to the Anchor Protocol, where over 19 billion UST tokens are currently locked in value.
The Bitlocus platform was tailored to the need of people who aren’t satisfied with what traditional banks have to offer but also don’t want all the hassle of the crypto industry — creating digital wallets, finding trustworthy investment funds, safely depositing or withdrawing funds, buying crypto, etc.
That’s why we’re incredibly proud of our engineers who were able to develop a system that’s completely hands-off for the user. Users are able to make direct bank deposits using traditional currencies (Euros) and top up their accounts seamlessly. After that, they just choose one of the available investment options and their assets get converted to crypto and staked automatically.
The first available investment option on the platform is Anchor Protocol stablecoin staking. Anchor is a decentralized savings protocol set up on the Terra blockchain. By participating on Anchor Protocol through the Bitlocus Investing Platform users can get yearly compounding interest rates starting at 12%.
To learn more about the platform and Anchor Protocol, check out our articles.
2. Bitocus Visual Style Upgrade
With the launch of our flagship product, we’ve worked to develop a new visual style to go with it.
Ease of use is one of our core values and we wanted for our brand to represent that — that’s why we’ve completely redesigned the Bitlocus website and made it easier than ever for first-timers to calculate their interest rates, get information about investing and of course participate in DeFi!
However, we will continue to consult with our customers and update the user experience and designs as the product evolves and gains new features — simplicity is at the core of Bitlocus.
Looking into the future
Speaking of new features, we have many exciting plans for the future! Introducing more investment options, further updating our UI/UX and adding features that would allow you to earn better interest rates. We have already hinted at the fact that we’ll be introducing an account tier system — allowing Bitlocus Token holders to gain maximum benefits from the Bitlocus ecosystem.
Rewarings the users with better interest rates, depending on the amount of BTL tokens they hold in their portfolio. The account level is determined by the ratio of BLT tokens and the value of all the assets in your portfolio. Read more about the Loyalty program here.
3. The Bitlocus Team Grows Bigger!
During Q1 we’ve managed to hire people in 5 KEY roles — Chief Sales Officer, Account Manager, Chief Product Officer, Marketing Manager and Chief Marketing Officer.
And we have no intention of slowing down! As the number of users grow and the product grows in scale– we’re taking on new challenges and new people to help solve those challenges. At the moment, we’re still looking for a passionate community manager to help us work…well.. with all of you! If you’re interested hit us up — Community Manager Job Application
4. Bitlocus Network of Influence Grows!
In the month of March, we’ve set out to make some new connections and broaden the Bitlocus sphere of influence — our target was MWC Barcelona. Where we had the opportunity to present Bitlocus to some of the biggest names in the tech and communications. Overall, we had a spendid time forging new connections, making new partnerships and getting more eyeballs on Bitlocus.
through strategic partnerships and good old fashioned word of mouth Bitlocus was also featured in several publications! For example Bitlocus was featured in Yahoo Finance, you can read all about it here. And as a real heavy hitter, we have been featured on Binance! You can officially track BTL movement and all token related information following this link
We’d also like to thank all of you for always sharing Bitlocus related news and updates. That’s why we would also like to dedicate a spot in our recap to some community creation, like a video review from Alexandrus, a crypto YouTuber with over 320k subscribers. His review already has over 100,000 views — it’s always a pleasure to have community engagement and belief on our side. If you haven’t done so already go ahead and check out his vid, and feel free to create your own! We’ll happily feature it on our blog or social media.
5. Liquidity Mining & Staking is Full Steam Ahead!
While working on developing a easy to use investing mechanism for our users, we haven’t forgot about our token holders! During Q1 we’ve ran several Liquidity Mining & Single Asset Staking programs — where we rewarded our community members with bonus BTL tokens for participation.
While this was an eventful Q1 and we were able to launch our product in an extremely short time window — we’re not done yet. With significant update to how the Bitlocus products look and feel — we can’t wait to show you all of the changes first hand, keep up to date with our social media and happy investing!